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Help / Support / Returns

By email

You can reach us at the email address

Via phone

You can reach us by telephone on 02764 261800 at the following times:

Monday - Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m

Please have your order number ready when contacting us!


You can simply return the items you do not want to keep to us within the 14-day return period.

Please include a copy of the invoice with the return so that we can assign everything directly and also indicate whether you would like a refund or an exchange for a different version of the item. If a return is returned without a copy of the invoice, processing will take up to two weeks. For returns, please use this address:

McDart GmbH
Returns department
Olper Str. 34
57399 Kirchhundem

As soon as we receive the return, we will immediately issue a refund to the original method of payment. Unfortunately, it is not possible to credit the customer account.

Please note that you have to bear the direct costs of returning the goods if the goods delivered correspond to those ordered. Furthermore, we can only refund you the full purchase price of the returned items if the goods are in new condition or in a condition of use that does not go beyond checking the properties and functionality. Testing the nature, properties and functionality does not include playing on a dartboard or throwing darts.

We reserve the right to retain any costs that may arise from refusing acceptance upon delivery from the refund.

Excluded from the revocation are magazines and individual items such as printed flights, personalized surrounds or darts with tip changing or reaming services.

Return Triple20 dart shoes

Since we work closely with Triple20 and returns are processed through the manufacturer, we ask that you do not send the shoes back to us, but rather directly to this address:
Triple20 Bloch and Marx
Jürgen Bloch
Gutenbergstrasse 22
66987 Thaleischweiler

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